What are PHP Development Trends In 2023 As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, I can provide you with some general trends that were anticipated for PHP development in 2023. However, please note that these trends might have evolved or changed since then. It’s recommended to consult more recent sources for the most up-to-date information. Here are some…
Category: PHP
Facebook Social plugins for your website
Facebook Social plugins for your website
How to Create Website From Scratch ?
How to Create Website From Scratch Building a website can be fast, cheap, and easy if you know the best way to do it. You might have heard stories of professionals doing it and think that creating a website is expensive and complicated? It can be in some cases, but don’t worry – there are ways that even a complete…
PHP 7.2 What’s new features and improvements
PHP 7.2 has released officially with new features, functions and several smaller core improvements. PHP 7.2 has come with some new security functions and language legacy clean ups. it provides a big performance boost and it is faster than PHP 7. Here I will describe about the new released features that are mentions as below. PHP 7.2 features Parameter type…
How to create a globally accessible helper class in Laravel 5.5
Helper class in laravel is a class that contains all those functions which are performs common tasks and can be reused in our application. Here we will create a class which contains reusable functions and these functions can be called every where in your laravel application. So let’s start to create our helper class that will globally accessible. How to…
WordPress customization part 1- removing menu from wordpress dashboard
This is the first part of wordpress customization series. In this tutorial i will discus about removing menu from wordpress dashboard. Removing a menu from dashboard doesn’t means that the menu has removed forever but it is just hide from admin screen. WordPress is a very popular cms (Content Management System) that provide us a very usual and easy back end environment.…
Laravel voyager – The best free admin package for laravel
Laravel Voyager Introduction Laravel Voyager is a admin package that facilitate full administration system for Laravel framework. Voyager includes BREAD(CRUD) operations, a media manager, menu builder and much more features. BREAD/CRUD Builder Voyager provide a system that is called BREAD that means Browse, Read, Edit, Add and Delete. Using this functionality you can easily add any views and functionality to…
Laravel 5.6 – What’s new are releasing ?
Laravel 5.6 is ready to release in February 2018. Laravel 5.6 is releases, it is a good news for the lovers of laravel. Every one who work with php, knows about the Laravel. It is a very powerful and popular framework. In last two years, Laravel become the most popular framework. Laravel has a large community of developers, so it releases…
Bulma getting started with modern framework
Bulma is an open-source flexbox-based CSS framework. Bulma is fully responsive and 100% free of cost. It is developed by Jeremy Thomas. Flexbox is a new layout mode in css3 for different screen sizes and devices. There are a lot of CSS frameworks available at that time around the web like Twitter Bootstrap, foundation, Gumby, UI KIT, etc. Bulma is a…
Codeigniter 4 release new features
Codeigniter 4 Overview Codeigniter 4 that is going to release after few month and Guys i am happy to talk about it . A lot of people were feeling that codeigniter will not survive more time because the lack of update. But it is true that codeigniter is still alive and coming with version 4. CI 4 has a lot…