Laravel Voyager Introduction Laravel Voyager is a admin package that facilitate full administration system for Laravel framework. Voyager includes BREAD(CRUD) operations, a media manager, menu builder and much more features. BREAD/CRUD Builder Voyager provide a system that is called BREAD that means Browse, Read, Edit, Add and Delete. Using this functionality you can easily add any views and functionality to…
Laravel 5.6 – What’s new are releasing ?
Laravel 5.6 is ready to release in February 2018. Laravel 5.6 is releases, it is a good news for the lovers of laravel. Every one who work with php, knows about the Laravel. It is a very powerful and popular framework. In last two years, Laravel become the most popular framework. Laravel has a large community of developers, so it releases…
Bootstrap Validator plugin for form validation
Bootstrap validator is great plugin to validate a bootstrap form. It is a simple and bootstrap friendly form validation plugin for bootstrap 3. It is flexible, customizable and ajax enabled functionality to your bootstrap form. Bootstrap Validator installation there are two ways to install bootstrap validator plugin Download zip package manually from Use Bower to install $ bower install bootstrapvalidator…
PayUmoney payment gateway integration in Laravel 5
PayUmoney is a payment gateway provider in india. we can set up payumoney payment gateway to our small business and as well as all types of business. Here i will describe that how to use payumoney with Laravel 5. We are setting up a laravel tzsk/payu package for integrating payumoney payment gateway to your application. PayUmoney tzsk/payu Package tzsk/payu is a…
Bulma getting started with modern framework
Bulma is an open-source flexbox-based CSS framework. Bulma is fully responsive and 100% free of cost. It is developed by Jeremy Thomas. Flexbox is a new layout mode in css3 for different screen sizes and devices. There are a lot of CSS frameworks available at that time around the web like Twitter Bootstrap, foundation, Gumby, UI KIT, etc. Bulma is a…
Codeigniter 4 release new features
Codeigniter 4 Overview Codeigniter 4 that is going to release after few month and Guys i am happy to talk about it . A lot of people were feeling that codeigniter will not survive more time because the lack of update. But it is true that codeigniter is still alive and coming with version 4. CI 4 has a lot…
Google place autocomplete address form API Integration
What is Google place autocomplete address form api ? Google place autocomplete address form api service is used to predict the places according to your search address. When you enter a place name google returns you a list of places. You can choose your appropriate address and it will fill your desired address into your input field automatically. When you…
How to remove index.php from url in Codeigniter
Codeigniter is rapid development php web framework used to develop fully featured dynamic websites. It is loosely based on MVC (Model, View, Controller) Pattern and famous for it speed in comparison of other PHP Frameworks. Here we will discuss about the topic “How to remove index.php file from url in codeigniter ?”. Why we want to remove index.php from Codeigniter…
Google reCaptcha Integration with PHP
Introduction to Google reCaptcha Google reCaptcha is Captcha like system that is used to differentiate between an human and a Robot. Google reCaptcha is use to reduce spam and increase the security of your applications. Most of all traditional captcha is less secure while google recaptcha provide a secure way to reduce spamming. Since it is develop and tested by…
Database Backup with PHP and MYSQL
What is Database backup ?? Database backup is a process of creating the duplicate copy of your database with architecture and it’s stored data. A backup is a duplicate copy of your database that is use to reconstruct or restore your database structure and data. Basically database is a structured form of data that is stored into a computer. it…