WordPress hooks are predefined functions that provide the facility of attaching your custom php code to wordpress. You can change or modify the default behavior wordpress using Hooks. Custom functions are applied into action hooks or filter hooks. There are two types of wordpress Hooks. 1: Action hooks 2: Filter hooks Action hooks are functions preformed when an event…
Author: Viren-Dra Yadav
jQuery useful validation functions
Here i will share some useful jQuery validation properties and functions with you, like counting the length of an element, allowing alphanumeric and numbers only values to an input element. 1- Count length of an input box value ? $(id).val().length jQuery length property is use to calculate the total element in the jQuery object. Example function checklength(id){ var no=$(id).val.length; alert(no);…
How to schedule task with Cron Job ?
What is a cron job ? Cron Job is a linux server feature which is used to schedule a task to run automatically at a certain time and date. How to use cron job ? Following the below given steps , we can use it. Step 1 : Login your cpanel account with your username and password. Step 2: Go…
How to update composer.phar ?
Sometime when we create a project or install a package to our existing project ,face this warning. It is a warning statement from composer to user that your composer is not up to date. Warning: This development build of composer is over 60 days old. It is recommended to update it by running “C:\ProgramData\ComposerSetup\bin\composer.phar self-update” to get the latest version.…